Preserving the Community

African Preserves is actively involved in both our local community as well as our greater district.

We are currently working with other stakeholders in the building of a new senior school in our District, this will greatly reduce the distance that the children in our community will have to walk to get to school.  Access to education is a priority for our company and so we ensure school fees are paid for the children of our workers.

We actively participate in assistance for the vulnerable, education and skills development, as well as intern training in the business.

African Preserves supports Miracle Missions Trust in their work to create sustainable community development projects around Zimbabwe.  During the Cyclone Idai Releif Program, African Preserves were proud to be a part of the unbelievable generosity by Zimbabweans for Zimbabweans who had lost so much during the devastating category 4 cyclone.

African Preserves are also pleased to be working with Miracle Missions and One Church in their soup kitchen program

We are proud to be associated with Vimba UK.  Their dedication to the children of Zimbabwe is outstanding.  African Preserves supports Vimba's initiatives based in Concession.  Through the help of labour, skills and transport, African Preserves is dedicated to the rehabilitiation of the schools in the area.  We believe that capacity building and education are the foundation towards creating sustainability and personal growth of the people who live and work in the communities that surround our business.


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